Since 2013, Master Trainers of California (MTC) has been providing Modesto with the cream of the crop in the fitness profession. Not only will you have a flexible bootcamp schedule to work with, you will also be met with some of the most talented and passionate people in the business. Whether you see yourself as a beginner or a seasoned veteran, we utilize state of the art equipment with the most cutting edge techniques to create Muscular Confusion in all our bootcamp classes. In turn, this puts your body into an excellent fat burning and muscle building state. We understand most people that have tried getting in shape either quit because they had a lack of help, motivation, or couldn’t afford expensive personal trainers. We have found a way to not only make it affordable, but to keep you motivated along with offering solutions to cover common speed bumps while keeping you on the path of success.
Master Trainers commitment is to provide an affordable source for group personal training and coaching while maintaining a welcoming yet competitive atmosphere that is supportive, compassionate, and whose main purpose is to only improve the quality of life for its staff and members.

While balancing a thriving business, a family, and their own personal fitness goals, Daniel and Jennifer AKA #Dannifer still find a way to inspire their members to stay committed to their initial objectives. Together they share a very deep undeniable purpose for helping others feel happier and more positive. Coincidentally, as personal trainers and National Physique Competitors, they both have spent half their lives in the gym where they have done thousands of hours of research on what works and what doesn’t. Their formula for fitness is not only stress free and fun, but they have covered all facets of fitness in what they provide. They have created a one stop shop for unlimited boot camp classes with an available kids cave, complimentary meal plans, a line of supplements for purchase, and even Saturday seminars every month to give you an even more intimate experience to staying committed to your goals.
A statement from #dannifer: “We are here to master the craft. For us, it’s the art of family, community, and personal training. For our members, it is to master the art of life, family, and fitness.”
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” -1 Peter 4:10